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Project Background

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is among the five most fragile, climate vulnerable and energy poor countries in the world. Its population experience profound human development challenges, including hunger, malnutrition, and lack of access to basic services. DRC has one of the lowest rates of electrification and energy consumption in the world, and the country lacks an interconnected national grid. While hydropower generates the vast majority of DRC’s electricity, regional disparities are pronounced and supply satisfies less than one-third of the 3GW in unmet and rapidly increasing demand.

Photo credit: Nuru. Image of 1.3M minigrid in Goma, DRC.

In February 2020, Congolese solar developer Nuru officially inaugurated a 1.3 MW solar system in Goma - the provincial capital of North Kivu Province - becoming one of Africa’s largest off-grid solar minigrid in operation. In 2022, Nuru is planning an extension of this system, called Goma II, in which they are deveoping another 3.7 MW solar system, which will connect 7,500 residencies and businesses and serve an estimated 125,000 beneficiaries. This system is expected to avert and avoid tens of thousands of kg CO2 emissions. This system would be the largest off-grid mini-grid in sub Saharan Africa.

Role of Peace Renewable Energy Credit

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