EPP has developed guidance to support integrating P-RECs into buyer client discussions and strategy development services…
Leapfrog Alliance urges GHG Protocol to Prioritize Access to Electricity and Equity
The Leapfrog Alliance, a coalition of 16 nonprofits working to expand electricity access in un-electrified and under-electrified communities, calls for the forthcoming revisions to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (“GHG Protocol”) to include and prioritize access to electricity and equity as key principles.
An opportunity for new climate finance innovations to expand energy access in fragile countries
Mapping the overlap between corporate value chains and fragile countries
Our reflections on COP29
Newsletter: Reflections from COP29
Guest blog with Emissions First Partnership
Newsletter: Recognizing the International Day of Peace
Integrating P-RECs into Corporate RFP Processes
Renewable Energy as a Tool For Peace: Emerging Opportunities and New Challenges
First P-REC Transaction by a Consumer Product Brand
Oriflame, a Swedish-Swiss multinational beauty brand, recently procured Peace Renewable Energy Credits (P-RECs) from Prado Power in Nigeria.
A mosaic of private sector solutions to help expand energy access in fragile countries
EPP and 11 Nonprofits Launch the Leapfrog Alliance
Today marks the launch of the Leapfrog Alliance, a new non-profit coalition calling for stronger incentives to increase corporate investment in clean energy access.
U.S. SEC Climate Disclosure Rule Elevates the Role of P-RECs
Peace REC Project Developer Profiles
Newsletter: Looking Back on 2023
Guidance on reporting P-RECs in ESG disclosures
The landscape of frameworks for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures is evolving rapidly. EPP partnered with Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs to clarify how companies can use P-RECs to make verifiable claims as part of their reporting for voluntary and regulatory disclosure frameworks.