Corporate clean energy buyers rely on advisory firms to develop, implement, and report progress toward their clean energy and impact-related strategies and goals. With today’s fast-evolving policy and market environment and the new challenges that this brings, advisory firms will play an even more important role to help buyers reach their goals.
There is an opportunity for advisory firms to use Peace Renewable Energy Credits (P-RECs) as a tool to navigate through different common buyer client scenarios and achieve better outcomes for their clients. To help advisory firms better understand and capture this opportunity, EPP developed guidance explaining how they can weave P-RECs into their buyer client discussions and strategy development services across seven common scenarios they encounter with their clients that may offer windows of opportunity for introducing P-RECs:
Strategy planning for existing clients
Addressing gaps toward goals for existing clients
Refreshing existing client relationships
Differentiating offerings to prospective new clients
Submitting RFP bids to existing or new clients
Sharing new insights and thought leadership
Demonstrating impact as an advisory firm
Download EPP’s Guidance for Advisory Firms to Incorporate P-RECs across Different Buyer Scenarios.
The guidance also provides a summary of recommended strategies and their potential benefits for advisory firms to use to integrate P-RECs into these different real-world buyer scenarios.
Advisory firms should contact EPP’s Director of Market Development, Doug Miller, at to learn more about this opportunity to introduce P-RECs across buyer scenarios to improve outcomes with existing corporate clean energy buyer clients and prospective new clients.