Integrating P-RECs into Corporate RFP Processes

Corporate clean energy buyers issue request for proposals (RFPs) to solicit bids from advisory firms and other service providers to help them achieve their clean energy and wider sustainability goals. These RFP processes play an important role in corporate clean energy procurement because RFPs help buyers specify the solutions they seek to achieve their clean energy goals and, in their respective RFP responses, help bidders make their case about why they should win the bid.

There is an exciting opportunity to integrate high-impact clean energy procurement options into corporate clean energy RFP processes to help corporate leaders achieve their next generation goals. This is why Energy Peace Partners (EPP) developed open-source template language for integrating Peace Renewable Energy Credits (P-RECs) into corporate clean energy RFPs and bidder RFP responses. This new EPP resource provides template language about Peace RECs that corporate clean energy buyers can include in their RFPs. It also offers template language that advisory firms and other service providers can include in their RFP responses as bidders. 

Download EPP’s Template “Peace REC” Language for Corporate Buyer RFP Processes. 

This new resource helps address several potential challenges that promote the inclusion of high-impact solutions like Peace RECs into RFP processes. For example, it helps buyers articulate how Peace RECs may fit into their impact-related narrative, goals, and bidder evaluation criteria and helps bidders weave Peace RECs more effectively into their RFP response. 

Various clean energy advisory firms reviewed and provided input to inform and improve this resource. 

Contact EPP at to learn more about how you can integrate Peace RECs into your RFPs or RFP responses in 2024.